Available courses

NDIS Video Gamer Get Paid to PLay Microsoft Partner Network        Partner

How Does It Work?

Sign up on the  Course & be Professionally Coached @ our satellite  Fortress Arcade or virtually ( Discord Server

Once you complete the mandatory Health & Safety Unit : "Young People eSafety" Trainees aged 15yrs onwards will begin a "Traineeship" $10/hr 10hrs/wk  for 12 months (Employment Contract/NDIS Service Agreement) as a part time Assistant Coach (both verbal & non-verbal) to a young or novice Co-Op Video Gamer in the Asia-Pacific (eg Korean & new NDIS entrants) Market. 

Social Enterprise with mission to maintain permanent employment for all Trainees

Immediate Confidence NDIS category

School Leavers Employment Supports Item number 10_021_0102_5_3.  $22000

generally School based students transitioning to Employment / Further Education & onwards upto & including 22 years of age.

The educational program has been designed by Commonwealth Examiner Apprenticeships & incorporates

  • “Young People eSafety” Module in partnership with Linkedin eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman-Grant

So VPC maybe assessed & credited in Work Related Skills – Unit 3 (OH&S)

similar to other regulated School Based Traineeships (Nationally recognised Certification will be provided once the Unit has been assessed by the ASQA)

Welcome Video Microsoft HQ User Groups Career Coach 

All trainees will be mentored in Microsoft Excel own Coaching business & align with 20,000 Data Entry jobs nationally. 

Our curriculum is CHATGPT & Co-Pilot based directed at 3000 Python jobs & 900 Photoshop jobs Nationwide. 

NDIS Autism Video Game Lover Employed

Media Release is in progress with newly LinkedIn Bill Shorten 



So just Create a New Account & we will be in touch

Contact: Microsoft HQ User Groups Career Consultant

Michael Mattocks 0424841077. 

Commendation CEO MultiMedia Victoria/The Premier 

HRH Prince Royal Examiner Cybersecurity Apprenticeships WindHSE.org

MA Social Work (with current project assessment)

MA Cybersecurity (Law) Networking Unit


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